Tuesday, August 18, 2009

The One About Defining My Style

I've been trying to figure out how I would define my personal style. Its hard! A Boy from Sometime Ago texted me earlier this summer while he was at an Animal Collective concert to tell me he saw a girl who dressed a lot like me. And all I could think was, "how do I dress?" (and also, omgpleasecanwejustgetmarried, but that is Beside the Point and also Futile Wishing). The outfit I wore yesterday sums up in many ways my normal style. It varies by weather related incidents but it can be boiled down to: Dress + Leggings + or - Cardigan. Boots in the winter, sandals in the summer, ballet flats in the fall. Add scarf as necessary. Yes, this outfit is incredibly close to one I wore recently (I can't remember if it was just last week, or two weeks ago). I love black and white. And this Miley Cyrus Certified cardigan is quickly becoming my favorite piece of clothing. It is over sized, yet the fabric is t-shirt thin. Glad my mom told me to get black, because "it makes it look less cheaply made." Hahaha. And it has pockets!! The dark grey leggins are also from walmart (as are 95% of all my leggins). Dress is from Old Navy as is the nasty lace cami, which I chucked after this picture, because I bought nice new fresh camis from JCP, and this cami was hardly white anymore. Ew gross gag. The wedges were from one of those outlet mall shoe stores, which I bought when I was in a bad mood and never really wore until yesterday. And they are so comfortable and cute. They are actually a black canvas material. The scarf is from a surf shop, and isn't really worth the $20 I paid for it, because its seriously like netting material. But I love black and white so... I prefer this picture so much more, because I'm cheesing with my hood up and actually laughing a little and less like, oh my god I'm posing for a picture. Plus you can see my foot tatt, on my left (your right) foot. It says "No matter what..." and was totally worth my parents disowning me. (More about that in future post, The One About Tattoos, and Are They Worth Your Parents' Reaction?) (short answer, yes. long answer, make sure you can support your ass before you do so).

OK, so, that's what I wear a lot. I have lots of cotton dresses which pull their weight all year long. I have several shades of faux-uggs that are NECESSARY! in the lake effect snow at college. And my Aldo sweater boots (in grey, my second fave color after black). I also do own jeans, I promise. I like jeans, I just bought a few new pairs from AmEagle that are stretchy and flattering and hot. But most of these outfits posted so far I wear to work, and jeans are verboten. And lets face it, on the weekends I wear gym shorts and sorority scrubs. Like a Boss. (Keep an eye out for The One Displaying All My Sorority Will Downs!). But when I'm at school (and making my roommate take pictures of me) there will be a lot more jean action. But I prefer dresses, hands down. I don't even own many skirts.

Outfits Which AREN'T My Everyday Style

Now, this outfit looked really cute on. It didn't get any love on flickr, so maybe I'm the only one who likes it. I kind of hate this picture, cause I look about 14. It didn't help that I pinned my hair back either. (It makes me think of Susan from the Narnia movies, I don't know why. I'm a nerd). And I'm not wearing make up because I've known everyone at the office for about 5 years and I'm not really trying to impress. But I do wear make up regularly, like jeans. Just not in the summer. This sweater has lasted about 4 years, and its from when AmEagle clothes weren't shoddily made. I love it, except it has shrunk and I usually have to layer a tank underneath. The skirt is actually a strapless dress from Old Navy which I always forget to wear because I don't really have a strapless bra (I know, I know) so I always have to wear a cardigan. Shoes are from payless, and I love them. I love wedges and these are blue suede. I love suede!! Rose pearls, courtesy of Aunt Josie and Honora for high school graduatin'. Its actually a set, with a bracelet, ring, and stud earrings. I love pearls, because I'm an closet argyle wearing freak on the inside. This is another business casual look I wouldn't normally rock during the school year. Pink top could melt your eyes!!! and is from Marshalls. Much nicer, classier white cami from JCP. Brown bermudas have gotten a lot of play this summer, because they fit really nice and are from the GAP and oh, yeah, they don't belong to me! I borrowed them from a girl who lived on my hall for a beach party at the end of the year, and she moved out before me and I still have them. I secretly love them and want to keep them, yet I'm worried she would see me around campus and say, hey... are those my shorts? Plus I like to keep my clothing karma good. Sandals, Charlotte Russe, which I bought in one of their infernal BoGos, and never really wore (I tend to do this, and only wear my $3 thrifted moccasins ever. Am I the only person who seems to wear her cheapest shoes all the time??). But they are cute, and the heel is high and skinny, which is my preferred heel shape.

Other things that are important to my style: Rings: my thrifted vintage claddagh is a constant-- I have to wear it on my thumb, because its huge and it still flies off every now and then. Also, my signet ring from my g'parents gets a lot of play, as does an antique fancy pearlz and gemz ring. Sunglasses: I have lots. My nicest are from Fossil (I'm not super fancy), my tackiest are white with rhinestones and painted roses. My new faves are a $5 pair of wayfarer knock offs from WalMart, and my hold my breath pair are a pair of Fo' Real Vintage 80s Wayfarers, which I am bidding on at Ebay. I probably won't win because I made a rookie error and bid right away, while it has lots of time left, and I refuse to go very much higher, because I am budgeting. Scarves: As I said before, I love scarves. This includes airy filmy scarves, pashminas, vintage silk square scarves, fringy bandanna scarves, and handmade crocheted thick and warm scarves.

Style defined!

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